Thursday, February 12, 2009

Book it Online

For Adults...especially Mother's who love to read: is one of my online hangouts because I love to read and I like to see what others are reading. After registering, a painless process and well worth it, you can have your very own digital library that tracks what you have read, what you are currently reading and what you would like to-read. One of my favorite things is receiving the optional e-mail that notifies me of my friends book updates (what they have read, their reviews, what they have marked to-read, etc). It is a good way for me to find "good books"! There are many other features to enjoy such as letting others know you have books to lend as well as searching your friends borrow list and you can form an online book club which can be made public or private.

For Children/Teaching Children:
I've been searching for some kid friendly sites. I found one I'd like to pass along that makes reading books online fun. has music, animated books, games and much more all online! It is free and you do not have to register to use these tools!

Let me know what you think about these sites...and pass on any "book" sites for children or adults that you love!


Tara L. said...

I also love good reads. I will have to check out the other site.

Robin B said... is an excellent source for beginning readers up to 3rd grade.

Shayla said...

I use Good Reads too (until Seth was born anyway). It's nice to get recommendations for books from people you actually know. Hopefully one of these days I'll pick up reading again!