Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My New Favorite Site

Anyone interested in food storage might adore this site I found a few months ago!

It is a network of blogs to help plan, buy and eat your food storage. The site I use most right now is the:

Food Storage BabySteps

Along with links and tools, you can sign up on their e-mail list and they will send you their Baby Steps checklists that help you plan your food storage as well as other prepare other items like your emergency plan and 72 hour kits in manageable steps.

Let me know what you think and please share your ideas on how you are preparing for you/your family. :)


Gina Rochelle said...

Cool! I'm excited to browse around this some more! Thanks for sharing!

Gina Rochelle said...

I've been couponing and it's been great for building my food storage. I'm able to get twice as much food for less than my old grocery budget so I can store stuff away. Sure helps for storage on a budget.

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

thanks for sharing I totally need to check that out

Brianna said...

Thanks for all your comments. You can also follow the creaters of FoodStorageMadeEasy on facebook! It helps me continually think about it ;).